
Service Category NameCategory GroupService Category Definition
* Systems Under Close Watch Today * DIS Internal ServicesSystems Under Close Watch Today
AASIS Services Hosted ServicesArkansas Administrative Statewide Information System providing web access - includes AASIS Applications: payroll, contracts and purchasing, budget, accounts payable, employee time reporting.
AASIS System Hosted ServicesArkansas Administrative Statewide Information System providing web access - for Daily Production Status reporting only.
ACIC Hosted ServicesArkansas Crime Information Center
ACOOP Software Tool Hosted ServicesThe ACOOP Software Tool is the new continuity of operations planning tool.
AMCS Hosted ServicesAMCS
ANSWER Hosted ServicesArkansas' Networked System for Welfare and Eligibility Reporting or one of its components.
APERS Hosted ServicesThis category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS for the State Employee Retirement System (APERS).
APLS Hosted ServicesThis category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS for the Arkansas Professional Licensure System administered by the Department of Education.
APSCN Hosted ServicesThis category will be used for the various small systems that comprise APSCN that are not included in APSCN SMS,APSCN FMS, or COGNOS.
APSCN FMS Hosted ServicesThe Arkansas Public School Network - Financial Management System
APSCN SMS Hosted ServicesThe Arkansas Public School Computer Network - Student Management System
AWIN Hosted ServicesArkansas Wireless Information System. Statewide Interoperable Radio System.
Call Center Calls Received Hosted ServicesThe number of calls recevied is entered for the period after normal working hours and reported daily in the Daily Production Status email.
ChRIS Hosted ServicesThis category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS for the Children's Reporting Information System.
CICSEA/CICSEB/MQTE Hosted ServicesProduction online CICS REGION availibility for DWS (Department of Workforce Services)
Connectivity to DIS ConnectivityConnections to DIS using one of the following: Telephone modem, Broadband Connectivity, Mainframe TCP/IP, RAS Connectivity, SNA Server Connectivity.
Customer Notification System Statewide ServicesThe Customer Notification System provides tracking and reporting of outages or potential outages of DIS services.
Data Transfer Services DIS Internal ServicesData Transfer describes the services used to move data from one platform to another. Included in these services are FTP, BBS, MQ Series, DataStage.
Data Warehouse Systems Statewide ServicesThis category applies to DIS based information stores providing ad hoc type reporting using Business Objects or some other reporting mechanism.
DCC\ADC - EOMIS Hosted ServicesDepartment of Corrections/Dept. of Community Corrections - EOMIS System
Dept of Correction Services Hosted ServicesThis category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS for the Arkansas Department of Correction.
Dept of Workforce Services Hosted ServicesThis category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS for the The Arkansas Department of Workforce Services.
DHHS - Human Services Hosted ServicesThis category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS for the Department of Human Services.
DIS Billing Services Hosted ServicesDIS Billing Services provides for customer billing of DIS IT Services. This category reports the availability of that system.
DIS Data Center Facility DIS Internal ServicesThis covers scheduled or emergency maintenance, outages, etc. for the environmental and power systems. This includes the UPS, batteries, diesel generator, power and data cable infrastructure, cooling, fire suppression, and water detection systems.
DIS Data Center Facility Power Systems DIS Internal ServicesThis DPSR category is to be used for reporting on the periodic inspections of the backup power systems (UPS, batteries, diesel generator)
DIS EMAIL TEST Hosted ServicesDaily status of Hot Mail transmittal.
DIS Enterprise FTP Server Hosted ServicesThe DIS Enterprise FTP server is used for data transfer between customers, DIS and support vendors.
DIS Internal Applications DIS Internal ServicesInternal applications used within DIS
Distance Learning-Video Conference Statewide ServicesVideo Teleconferencing services using D I S networking elements.
Drivers License Services Hosted ServicesThis category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS for the Drivers License System.
DWS - Mainframe Hosted ServicesDWS Mainframe related Deployments
DWS - Web/Server Hosted ServicesDWS Web/Server related Deployments
Email Systems Statewide ServicesElectronic mail services available through D I S: Microsoft Exchange System, APSCN SendMailSystem.
Enterprise Backup and Tape Services Statewide ServicesEnterprise Backup Services describe mainframe virtual tape (Virgil), mainframe tape management system, TSM tape drives, open systems backup and collections of data maintained on tape storage medium used for batch processing.
Enterprise Disk Storage Statewide ServicesMagnetic disk storage devices (DASD) residing physically at DIS including SHARK.
Enterprise FTP Hosted ServicesEnterprise File Transfer Process(FTP)
File and Print Services Statewide ServicesThis category refers to file and print services rendered by the Department of Information Systems, Host and Server Support, LAN Support.
Geographic Information System (G I S) Hosted ServicesDIS hosted Geographic Information data and service as provided through the State Land Information Coordinator Office.
Geographic Information System-GeoStor Hosted ServicesDIS hosted Geographic Information data and service as provided through the State Land Information Coordinator Office.
Imaging Systems Hosted ServicesThis category refers to methods of capturing printed material through scanner technology that are supported by DIS.
Information Systems Security Statewide ServicesSystems providing logical security to the state network.
Internet Statewide ServicesThis category applies to DIS Hosted Internet services. It includes Internet connectivity, DIS Public web-sites, Extranet web-sites, Intranet websites and specific web-based applications.
LAN Support Statewide ServicesThe LAN Support category refers to specific tools used by DIS to manage local area networks, the installation or upgrades of these tools.
Licensure Systems Hosted ServicesThis category refers to DIS hosted applications that manage licenses for state employees.
Mainframe Batch Hosted ServicesNightly batch job processing by D I S mainframe operations - for Daily Production reporting only.
Mainframe Online Services Statewide ServicesMainframe Online Services refers to system software affecting CICS, IMS and web-based applications that point to CICS and/or IMS.
Mainframe Services Statewide ServicesThe Mainframe Services category describes the middle layer software running on the DIS mainframe computer, such as CICS, IMS, VSAM, TSO, Endevor, etc.
MAJOR SHUT DOWN All DIS Services Statewide ServicesThis service category is used for an emergency shut down of ALL DIS systems.
Network - Local Area ConnectivityLocal network connectivity managed by DIS.
Network - Wide Area Systems ConnectivityWide Area network connectivity managed by DIS. Wide Area Networks can include multiple local networks.
Network Local Area Hosted ServicesLocal network connectivity managed by D I S - for Daily Production reporting.
Network Monitoring Hosted ServicesThis category represents the system that monitors network activity and detects trouble. When this system detects a network problem it automatically generates a HEAT ticket.
Network Wide Area Hosted ServicesWide Area network connectivity managed by D I S - for Daily Production reporting.
Online Systems Hosted ServicesMainframe online systems are applications accessed through the DIS mainframe - for Daily Production reporting.
OpSec Hosted ServicesTemporary Vehicle Tag system - CICSW region.
Other DIS Hosted Services Hosted ServicesThis category is to be used for applications or services not included in other categories. Please provide a detail description of the application or service that the notice is being created for. Include the name of the application or service and cust
Parks and Tourism Hosted ServicesThis is the reservation system called MAESTRO on our SQL server SQL05.
Rehabilitation Services Hosted ServicesArkansas Rehabilitation Services is the agency dedicated to providing vocational services enabling people with disabilities to work. This category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS to this agency.
Revenue Office Automation (ROA) Hosted ServicesCar Registration for the Revenue Offices, Wal-Mart, STAR
Service Desk (Includes CA & Cherwell sysStatewide ServicesService Desk is the service used to track problems reported to the DIS Call Center.
SharePoint DIS Internal ServicesThis category is used for SharePoint problems.
Special Circumstances Hosted ServicesMainframe Special Circumstances describe situations impacting daily processing - for Daily Production Status reporting.
SSO - (Single Sign-On) Hosted ServicesUsed for reporting status or issues related to the Single Sign-On(SSO) infrastructure hosted by DIS.
STAR Hosted ServicesSTreamlined Auto Renewal web-enabled system connectivity routed through DIS.
State Data Center - MAC Hosted ServicesNotices for changes that will or may impact the operation for State Data Center MAC. The notices may include work related to facilities (i.e. UPS, generator, Cooling systems, etc), or site wide network connectivity.
State Data Center - West Hosted ServicesNotices for changes that will or may impact the operation for State Data Center West. The notices may include work related to facilities (i.e. UPS, generator, Cooling systems, etc), or site wide network connectivity.
Tax Systems Hosted ServicesThe Tax Systems category refers to applications written and maintained by DIS for the Arkansas Dept. of Finance and Revenue. The tax systems include Individual Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Withholding Tax, Tax Collections, Sales Tax and Motor Ve
Teacher Retirement Hosted ServicesThis category reports the status of IT support functions provided by DIS for the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System.
Telephone Long Distance Service ConnectivityThis category is used for telephone long distance service through the State telephone system.
Telephone Systems ConnectivityTelephone Systems refers to State local telephone service and voice mail service.
UEJM / Autosys Hosted ServicesThis category represents the automatic scheduling of batch jobs that run independently of web-based applications or mainframe online applications.
UI and TRA check process Hosted ServicesDWS check processing for UI and TRA checks.
UNICENTER AUTOSYS Schedule DIS Internal ServicesUNICENTER AUTOSYS Scheduling is the Enterprise Scheduling System used to schedule production jobs located on UNIX and NT servers. It connects with CA-7, the mainframe scheduler.
Virtual Tape Systems Hosted ServicesDescribes the status of the Mainframe Virtual Tape System - for Daily Production Status reporting.
Virus Notification Hosted ServicesNo major virus traffic detected.
Workforce Systems Hosted ServicesWorkforce Systems refers to IT support provided by DIS including AWIS - Arkansas Workforce Information System, AAEMIS -Arkansas Adult Education Management Information System, Forgiveness - Student Loan Forgiveness System.

  12/21/2024 8:22:44 PM