DIS has enhanced the way our customers receive
information about system status issues by the development of the Customer
Notification System (CNS). In our continual efforts to improve relationships
with our customers, we are further enhancing the CNS system.
CNS alerts customers about planned and unplanned system changes that may
require downtime of the system. CNS allows customers to view these notices
on-line or to subscribe to receive email notices specific to their operations.
When customers receive a routine outage or service change notice, a window of
eight (8) business hours is provided for customers to express any concerns. We
want to work with customers’ schedules to avoid any potential conflicts.
Maintenance is typically performed on Sunday mornings between 6:00 a.m. and
12:00 p.m. Maintenance may be scheduled at other times, in coordination with
the affected customers.
If a DIS planned change or maintenance outage impacts your critical service
requirements, please contact the DIS Call Center at
(501) 682-HELP (4357) or
dis.callcenter@arkansas.gov and provide the related CNS number or HEAT
ticket number.